Tag Archives: money

Funeral Cost, Pre-plan, No Prepay-Your Funeral Guy

20 Sep
Washington, D.C. (Jan. 2, 2007) - President Ge...
Image via Wikipedia

It is best to pre-plan your funeral, wise not to prepay. Preplanning can save your family from difficult decisions when they are emotionally distraught.Preplanning is not difficult, and does not have to take along time. It doses involve some thought.

Prepaying a funeral can be dangerous. Each preneed contract is different. In most cases you cannot get your money back. If you move the Funeral may or may not be transferable to another state. There is  also the risk of the Funeral director taking your money. The Illinois Funeral Directors Preneed trust Ponzi Scam (100 Million gone) and the National Prearranged Services Scam(Estimated 1 billion) gone are prime examples of Preneed gone crazy.

Funeral Cost is gaining attention in the media.

Snippet from CBS:

First, try to preplan. We’re used to shopping around for everything else, but people feel like they need to spend big on funerals as a way to show their love. It’s a good idea to have a family discussion or leave instructions in your will about what you want. That helps determine how much to set aside, and keeps family and friends from spending too much.

Don’t pre-pay. Funeral homes’ pitch to lock in funeral costs by pre-paying while you’re alive may sound appealing, but it’s almost never a smart idea. State regulation controls how much if any of those plans can be refunded, should you move, or if the funeral home goes out of business. Most offer little recourse. It’s better to create a payable-on-death account or a funeral trust through a life insurance company.

via www.cbsnews.com

The preneed pitch to lock in today’s prices now to save on Funeral Cost is simply not true in this economy. No Investment can be guaranteed due to the great recession.

Funeral Industry, Funeral News Funeral Blog by Your Funeral Guy

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America’s spending on Funerals cut- YourFuneralGuy

17 Aug
Americans are spending less on funerals

Americans are spending less on funerals

The results of a National Funeral Directors Association(NFDA) survey indicate that the folks are spending less on funerals. Cremation is growing at a rapid rate and costs much less than a traditional funeral. There is less money spent on flowers visitations, and expensive caskets. Spending on funerals in America has been cut.

The head of Batesville Casket Co. recently stated that this is the first time that a recession has effected the coffin makers business.  The major funeral corporations numbers are way down.

From the BBC news.com
Americans have cut their spending on funerals considerably compared to last year, according to a survey by the National Funeral Directors Association.
The majority of undertakers surveyed said that increasing numbers of people were choosing a cheaper coffin or were opting for a cremation instead of a traditional burial…..

“For many families, it’s becoming difficult to pay for funeral services. Many people are cutting back because of the economic crisis,” said association spokesman James Olson.

Folks are making more of an effort to come in under the average cost of a funeral. most industry experts agree that the average cost of a funeral is about $10.000.00. Folks just cannot afford that amount.

Funeral Industry|Funeral Blog by Your Funeral Guy

Funeral Director Leaves Body in Basement, 12 years-YourFuneralGuy

10 Jun

Corpse left in a casket in the basement of Indiania Funeral Home for 12 years

Corpse was left in a casket in the basement of Indiana Funeral Home for 12 years istockphoto rf license

A Funeral Director has left a corpse in the basement of a Funeral home for 12 years.  This is flat out disrespect for the dead and humanity. The reason is the funeral director gave for doing the  heinous deed is that he did not get paid.

The life of a human being  dead or alive is more important than money. The highest cost at a funeral is the death of the person involved. There is no excuse for treating a body in this manner. The deceased was left in a casket.

This all went down in Indiana.  Check out the Snippet and click on for more information.

From: news-tribune.net

“On Sept. 2, 1997, 96-year-old Irene Jackson died in Indianapolis, according to coroner records. The woman had family in Southern Indiana, so she was taken to Baity’s Funeral Home at 911 State St. in New Albany. However, her body was not buried until last week.

Funeral Industry| Funeral Blog by Your Funeral Guy

A key to how IFDA “madoff” with the 59 Million-yourfuneralguy

22 Mar
Found on the Internet and on the Web-A money key to the IFDA Ponzi Scheme, IFDA Capital Inc.

Found on the Press and on the Web-A money key to the IFDA Ponzi Scheme, IFDA Capital Inc.

Follow the money” said Watergate’s deep throat. The money was followed and the Scandal was revealed. The same is happening here with the  Illinois Funeral Directors Association, IFDA Ponzi Scheme. So How did a small elite group of Funeral Directors get away with 59 million dollars?

The press has revealed some of the answers. IFDA leaders have not been careful in what they have said to the Press. ” Loose Lips sink Ships”  There also has been a trail left on the web as well.

First the press:

A Key to the IFDA Ponzi Scheme has been found in the press.. In a Galesburg Register Mail Article in July 2007 it was stated that “Geoffrey Hurd (ex-IFDA President Now) of Hurd Hendricks Funeral Homes and Crematory has been elected President of the Illinois Funeral Directors Association…..Hurd also will serve on the board of the:( Illinois Funeral Service Foundation) Funeral Service Foundation  (IFDA), the Funeral Ethics Association (IFDA), and IFDA Capital Inc.

IFDA Capital, Inc was quietly removed from the 2008-2009 IFDA Yearbook. It was in the

The IFDA Ponzi Schemers saw their 49,000 policy crowd opportunity

The IFDA Ponzi Schemers saw their 49,000 policy crowd opportunity. They Got 59 Million.

2007-2008 yearbook published by( Geoffrey W. Hurd).  Hurd has  large pieces of the IFDA Money puzzle. Loans to Board members were covered in the first State Journal Register article in  February 2008.

Some of the Flow of money in the IFDA PONZI Scheme  went through IFDA Capital, Inc.

Funds from the trust went to IFDA Capital, IFDA Services and management fees.Details on IFDA Capital, Inc are sketchy IFDA Capital Inc was started in 1993 and gave loans to IFDA members and board members. Not much is known about this except David McReynolds the current IFDA Treasurer. received a $900,000 loan.

Second the Web, information was found on the Internet about IFDA Capital Inc, and according to the site you can still get a loan from the IFDA????? -sign me up!.

So a key to how the IFDA “Madoff” with the 59 million is IFDA CAPITAL  INC.

Again the lesson for the Consumer is not to be involved in Preneed.

Funeral Industry|Funeral Cost Blog by Your Funeral Guy.

McReynolds-IFDA TREASURER,  is a public figure in the Sandal is mentioned on the Web and in Press.

Hurd-IFDA ExPresident is is a public figure in the Sandal is mentioned on the Web and in Press

Madoff Fraud illustration from hodadd’s66 photo stream at flickr.

Newsworthy-Illinois Funeral Directors Association Lawsuits-Your Funeral Guy.

4 Feb

The Illinois Funeral Directors Association Lawsuits are newsworthy on the average cost of a funeral. Every time a preneed trust fund misapplies your funeral money it costs you the consumer. Funeral Directors lose and they pass the cost on to you.

Recently News Articles, Feb.3,4 2009 have appeared.

These articles name more facts. -Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune Article names places,and  the Illinois Comptroller.

The Springfield Journal Register article names $$, who was paid out of the fund and who may have been paid out of the fund-Senator Roland Burris (D-IL)

There is also a years worth of backgound research available on the Illinois Funeral Directors Association at


I have declared the average cost of a funeral in 2009 to be $8,500 USD.

Check out my blogs for more information on this.

Your Funeral Guy.

Your Funeral Guy: New High for Average Cost of a Funeral

24 Jan

Is there going to be a new golden age for those who charge funeral cost? Some funeral industry folks think so. I disagree. More and more folks in today’s economy are choosing the lower cost funeral.

Some say it will be due to a steep rise in the death rate. I have been hearing that since I went to mortuary school in 2001. It has not happened. Mistakenly, I thought it might happen fast…and  I would make great money as a Funeral Director. 😦

Here is a quote on this:

“Though dipping slightly over the last several years, and expected to be stagnant for several more, the death rate of about 8.1 per 1,000 people is expected to inch significantly upward sometime in the next decade and eventually go as high as 10.9.

The exact dates are tough to pinpoint because of the size of the generation and medical advances”-the Deuce

Experts have been predicting the death rate will sky rocket since the early 1990’s. It has not happened.

And then there is a more scarier statistic- some are saying that the average cost of a funeral including burial is $12-15,000 USD.

“Though it may vary slightly from one state to the next, the average cost of a funeral in the United States ranges from $12-15,000. This is heavily dependent upon the type of funeral a family chooses. At present, there are pre-paid insurance plans available for “End of Life” expenses.” –Chad Willey

In my estimation people are now choosing lower cost funeral options. If this trend continues the average cost of a funeral will be reduced.

I therefore stand on my estimate of average traditional  funeral cost to be $8,5000 USD in 2009. (This does not include burial expenses) Be advised that there are many folks out there now saying things about funeral cost that may not be true. always check your information. Your funeral guy checks funeral industry reports and with folks around the country before making statements.

A Reminder: Preplan your funeral but do not make it prepaid!

Blog by Your Funeral Guy

Your Funeral Guy: Downsizing a Funeral

23 Jan

Downsizing a Funeral helps you to come in under the average cost of  a funeral. this has been happening since the economic downturn. Folks are still doing funerals but for less funeral cost.

Another author on funerals besides myself was recently quoted about  shopping for a funeral and paying less.

Robert Webster whose book (“Will they see me naked when I die?) that has become fairly popular is pictured below.

I have no connection with Mr.Webster other than reading the book and writing a review on Amazon about the work. Most folks are concerned about an explicit section of the book on human  body parts. Webster explores his experiences as a funeral director, and presents the mindset of the funeral director. He offers no money saving tips on funerals.
Here is what Mr. Webster said when he noticed the downsizing of Funerals.

“We get one to three calls a day to say (they’re) price shopping,” said Robert Webster of Webster Funeral Home.

Webster, who has written a book on the business, said less expensive options such as cremation have become increasingly popular.

“Everybody says there’s no economic downturn, the funeral business is recession-proof, well it’s not true,” Webster said. “People are still going to die, they’re not spending like they used to in the past.”

The full article can be found here.

Downsizing in Louisiana also seems to be occurring.

Despite the economic downturn, there’s still one industry that will always have a steady supply of paying customers, the funeral industry. Steve Newman, General Manager of Rabenhorst Funeral Home, says the average cost of a funeral is $7,500. Add in the burial plot and expenditures can exceed $10,000 or more.

Some funeral homes across the country are actually offering discounts, burial plans for as low as $1,700 in some cases. They say customers are searching for the best deals they can find.

For the Louisiana situation view the article on the web.

The Louisiana average cost of a funeral may very well be $7,500.00USD. My research indicates the average cost of a funeral  nation wide to be $8,500.00USD.

Blog By Your Funeral Guy

Your Funeral Guy:Why Is The Funeral Cost in Preneed Confusing.

22 Jan

Preneed muddies the waters on Funeral Cost. When doing preneed you must be careful about your funeral cost contract. When there is a preneed or at need funeral contract most folks are nervous because they are dealing with their own death or someone elses for the first time.

The main argument for preneed is that you lock in todays prices for the future. What is not said is that the funeral director and the preneed company get the interest on your money. In some cases bit of that interest comes to you.

I have actually seen some preneed contracts that are 20-40 years old where the funeral directors cut is more than the funeral.

There is another way that preneed can be confusing. Each state has different rules, and different enforcement practices.

Preneed policies are suppose to be transferrable to any geograhical area. I have  seen local funeral directors refuse to transfer policies. A good share of funeral directors are honest folks but sometimes they cannot resist preneed greed. Many find the commissions or interest on your money irresistable.

Preneed is truly the curse of the Funeral Industry and may bring about it’s death.

Just about every time the funeral cost plus the funeral home owner’s cut brings you in far above the average cost of a Funeral.

Blog By Your Funeral Guy


Your Funeral Guy: ehow says Prepaying Funeral Costs is good for Funeral Home- Not the Consumer

21 Nov

Consumer advocates say prepaid funerals are generally a poor choice for everyone but the funeral home. And the fees (from $5,000 to $10,000) can really burn you up.” This an excellent quote from this article.


Preneed Funeral Policies have fell into dispute. Every month there is an incident where a Funeral Director runs off with the preneed money.
This year we have had the Illinois Funeral Directors 41 million dollars funeral trust mismanagement and the National Prearranged Services 500 million Dollar Theft.
The AARP Magazine had an article in February 2008 advising folks not to prepay a Funeral. I believe that this has taken hold.

Saving money on funeral costs is becoming more popular in the current economic environment.

Be sure to let me know how you saved on funeral costs and funeral expenses.
R. Brian Burkhardt, Your Funeral Guy, Author “Rest in Peace Insider Tips To the Low Cost Less Stress Funeral “.
Funeral Director, State of Illinois, Virginia.

Your Funeral Guy:Preneed or Prepaid Product may be funeral cost fraud.

14 Jul

Preneed or prepaid Product may be funeral cost fraud.

People often say “preneed product” will lock in prices today and save you money on funeral cost. But inflation and the loss of interest on your money are issues. Often funeral directors get paid a monthly commission on prepaid policies.

Often they get a check every month. It is from your funeral cost money. This is a check from your money. It may actually be better for you to get a check. Some people believe that because they have a preneed product it is still their money. This is not the case.

Many folks in Nursing homes have a preneed policy with a funeral director or a company. As time goes on they often lose track as to where the funeral money is. It is important to keep track. But even this may be not enough to stop prepaid fraud on your funeral cost.

This system is proving to be inadequate. National Prearranged Services (-nps, a series of prepaid funeral companies)have had scandals with loss of hundreds of millions across the USA . This is not meant to scare you but even individual funeral directors have run off with money. This is true in almost every state in the country . The legal term for this is fraud.

A funeral directors association has recently lost 40 + million of the folks money do to mismanagement of prepaid funds. This is close to fraud and a high risk situation. This is reported weekly in newspapers.

Now you may simply plan for a lower cost funeral and avoid all this. There are stories of great low cost funerals with how to examples as well. Many of them can be found here in the new book “Rest in Peace” The day of the Funeral Director always ringing twice is becoming a thing of the past .The First time is when he/she tries to get you to prepay your funeral. The second time the Funeral Director rings is at the time Your Loved One Dies.

Not to worry, the low cost funeral is quite doable when you get a few insiders tips .Preplanning your funeral is an important thing to do. Prepaying with preneed is not in your best option. Please do not purchase a preneed policy and risk fraud or loss. What appears  to be lowering the average cost of a funeral may actually raise your funeral cost.

More information can be  found here:

Insider's Tips to the Low Cost Less Stress Funeral

Rest in Peace: Insider’s Tips to the Low Cost Less Stress Funeral by R Brian Burkhardt and Matt Bacak. #1 International Best Selling Author Jason Oman also gave thumbs up to this book. This book is published by Morgan James Publishing.

Your Funeral Guy, R Brian Burkhardt, Funeral Director, Author, Blogger, State of Illinois

The “Google Books Search” give a look inside the book.


Be sure to let me know about your lower cost funeral.