Jack Kemp State Funeral for a Hero?-yourfuneralguy

5 May

National Cathedral where Jack Kemp's Funeral Service will take place Friday.

National Cathedral where Jack Kemp's Funeral Service will take place Friday.

It appears that  New Funeral precedent maybe set Friday. A  possible State funeral for a Congressman, Cabinet Secretary, Presidential candidate, football hero.  Maybe it will not be a full State funeral with a riderless horse and caisson.  The man  to be honored is Jack Kemp. The time 2pm,  Friday, 5/08/2009 National Cathedral, Washington DC. This is just part of the funeral arrangements for Jack Kemp.

The man with ideas for all seasons is Jack Kemp the bleeding heart conservative, and civil rights champion.. In Football he went from $100 dollar draft pick to the most valuable player in the AFL. I first saw him on the football field  in 1960 when I was 8yrs old. By  In 1965 I was a big fan and was amazed as he threw the football to fame  with the Buffalo Bills.

I remember the compassion in his voice. Compassion i heard my teenage year and compassion I heard in the election of 2008.  Not being a supply sider in the Reagan years I lost touch. Hailing from Chicago I was floored by what he  did as HUD Secretary and his compassion for the poor under George H.W.Bush.

Last fall the look on his face will never be forgotten. It was the look he gave Sean Hannity when he insisted on attacking the character of Barack Obama. Liberals and conservatives alike were in awe.

Jack Kemp is a hero and deserves a “State Funeral” not because of what he stood for but how he stood. Another Hero of mine, Jim Wallis  said it well in the Huffington Post

“I thank God for Jack Kemp, perhaps one of the earliest pioneers of  compassionate conservatism.In his passing, I pray

Jack Kemp 1988 in his run up to the Presidential Primaries.

Jack Kemp 1988 in his run up to the Presidential Primaries.

that his legacy would increase….Jack will be remembered as both a lesson and an example for political leaders of the future.

Watch I will on Friday to see if there will be a State funeral for my hero.

Funeral Industry| Funeral blog by Your Funeral Guy, Funeral Director, Illinois and Virginia.

This is not political commentary, only a statement on funerals and heros. Hope Obama shows.

“Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio a nation turns it’s lonely eyes to you”-Paul Simon

National Cathedral pic from Flickr under the creative commons license from  ~MVI~’s photostream

Kemp run up to the Presidential Primary pic from flickr under the creative commons license  from Ray Gronberg’s photostream

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