Tag Archives: rural hospital

Your Funeral Guy: Reveals Five Causes of Death and Funeral Cost

27 Mar

Revealed 5 Causes of Death and Funeral Cost
Revealed Here are 5 causes of death that increase funeral cost. There are Five little known causes of death that contribute to the cost of a funeral. These are also mostly unknown causes of death that contribute to higher funeral cost. .
Here are 5 Overlooked causes of death and their relationship to funeral cost.

1.Old age in 1952 Old age was eliminated as a cause of death. In our youth culture even the old folks like to think they are young. By continually thinking they are young older folks neglect planning their funeral and end up paying more in funeral cost.

2. The improperly directed ambulance. Many times an ambulance is not directed to the proper facility for your injury. This has even happened to your funeral guy. If you have a brain injury you need to be taken to a hospital facility where there are qualified brain surgeons.
Your Funeral Guy ended up at the right medical facility and avoided his funeral and funeral cost.

3. The non directed ambulance. Princess Di’s (Princess Diana) ambulance did not go quickly to a to her medical facility. Many say that the fact that the ambulance sat at the scene was a contributing factor to her death. Not getting to the hospital quick enough brings an unexpected death and often unexpected funeral cost.

4. The diverted ambulance. Often times ambulances are diverted. This is as serious as a heat attack. In the heart attack scenario you have 20 minutes. If the ER near you is full of
people without health insurance, unfortunate ones or legal or illegal immigrants you may run out of 20 minutes and find yourself in a sudden death scenario and your family saddled with high funeral cost. Just by stating this cause of death Your Funeral Guy knows there will be hostile reactions.

5. The Rural Hospital cause of death. No this usually has nothing to do with facilities. It has to do with the quality of the medical personnel in rural areas. If you have a medical situation that needs a specialist. You may not find one in time in a rural area. Generally Rural Hospitals are 15 years behind the times because of lack of specialists. Your Funeral Guy’s experience is that the quality of medical personnel is less. The quality of Funeral director is also less and this raises funeral cost. A whole blog post could be made on the rural or country funeral director!

These are the opinions of your funeral guy,

R.Brian Burkhardt,

Author, Funeral Director, State of Illinois, Commonwealth of Virginia,

Insider's Tips to the Low Cost Less Stress Funeral  

Rest in Peace: Insider’s Tips to the Low Cost Less Stress Funeral by R Brian Burkhardt and Matt Bacak