Tag Archives: guest book

Patrick Swayze Funeral| NO PLANS YET| Sign Fan Guest Book-yourfuneralguy

16 Sep

428383269_bf9d524257There are no plans or funeral arrangements yet for the Patrick Swayze Funeral. There is other action you can take while you wait for the family to make funeral arrangements.

Revealed here is a link to where you can sign the Patrick  Swayze Fan Club Guest book. Perhaps you cannot make to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This is just like signing a a guest book at a  funeral.

The actor is well known for the movies “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost”.


This is a good way to leave a condolence or a memorial for Patrick Swayze.

Funeral Industry | funeral blog by Your Funeral Guy

Robert “Bob” Novak Funeral|Sign Guestbook-yourfuneralguy

21 Aug

707px-Robert_Novak_IUB_img_1622_lightenedRevealed here is a link where you can sign the Robert Novak Guest Book. Perhaps you have signed a guestbook at a funeral before. This is an import way to leave a tribute or share a memory. It can now be done easily on line.

This is a great way to leave a memory, and a tribute for someone you knew or admired.

Robert Novak was known as the a tireless reporter and newsman  who got the story. He embraced  his nickname “Prince of Darkness.” Politicians Feared him. Born Jewish, he died a devoted Catholic. He had no use for bloggers.


From the Chicago Sun Times:l

Born Jewish, Mr. Novak converted to Catholicism in 1998. He credited his ability to handle the shock of learning he had a brain tumor in 2008 to his Catholic faith. In one of his last columns, on Sept. 7, 2008, Mr. Novak wrote about how he learned he had a brain tumor.

“The first sign that I was in trouble came on Wednesday, July 23, when my 2004 black Corvette struck a pedestrian on 18th Street in downtown Washington while I was on my way to the office.”

Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) is also fighting a brain tumor, and Mr. Novak disclosed in the column that he had found his brain surgeon with help from Kennedy’s wife, Vicki.

Funeral Industry |Funeral Blog by Your funeral Guy.

Walter Cronkite|Funeral|Sign Guest Book-YourFuneralGuy

17 Jul

Walter Cronkite in 2006

Walter Cronkite in 2006

Revealed here is a place to sign the Walter Cronkite Guest Book. Many times at a funeral an effective way to remember a person is to sign a guestbook. Now You can sign guest books on line for famous people or folks you know.

Here is a link to the Walter Cronkite Guest book. Leave your condolence on line. Walter Cronkite was known as the most trusted man in America.

As a young man I trusted Walter Cronkite to give me the news.  The JFK assassination, MLK, the space program, moon landing, watergate,  Nixon Resignation, Presidents, elections he gave us it all. Leaving condolences and signing a guest book is an effective way to deal with your grief.

Be sure to sign the guestbook.


Walter Cronkite Nov 4th 1916 to July17, 2009

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Funeral Industry| Funeral Blog by Your Funeral Guy

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Walter Cronkite Pic from Wikepedia