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Jack Kemp Funeral|Highlights-yourfuneralguy

8 May
A bipartisan delegation headed by Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) and U. S. House of Representatives Minority Leader John Boehner.  I offer sincere gratitude to Jack  Kemp for making this a better country-  Your Funeral Guy

A bipartisan delegation headed by Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) and U. S. House of Representatives Minority Leader John Boehner went to the Jack Kemp Funeral. I offer sincere gratitude to Jack Kemp for making this a better country- Your Funeral Guy

Jack Kemp’s economic policies brought broad  prosperity to many Americans.His civil rights advocacy activity helped bring personal freedom to millions. He was a true compassionate conservative Besides that to many he was a football hero.

A bipartisan delegation headed by Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) and U. S. House of Representatives Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was led to the Jack Kemp Memorial Service on  May 8th 2009 Friday.

Dignitaries seen at the Jack Kemp Memorial  Service:

Sen. Lieberman, Colin Powell, Sen. Brownback, Charlie Rangell, John Dingel, Rep. Lungren, Rep. Pence, DonRumsfeld, Bob Dole, Michael Chertoff, Al Hunt, Bill Kristol, Bill Bennett, Michael Steele and more.

Summary- Jack Kemp Memorial  Service:

  • The Howard University Choir opened the Service with singing at National Cathedral in Washington DC

    Jack Kemp running for President in 1988

    Jack Kemp running for President in 1988

  • Episcopal Bishop of Washington John Bryson Chane gave the invocation.
  • A pastoral prayer was offered by the Reverend Alistair Begg, senior pastor of Parkside Church  in Bainbridge, Ohio
  • A tribute by Charles Colson was given.
  • The sermon was  preached  by Dr. Robert Norris, senior pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church of Bethesda,Maryland.
  • Episcopal  Bishop of Washington DC John Bryson Chane gave the  benediction.

Sadly there was no national media live coverage of the Jack Kemp Memorial Service. Besides that to many he was a football hero.

I offer sincere gratitude to Jack  Kemp for making this a better country.

We need more leaders like Jack Kemp.

Funeral Industry/Funeral blog Your Funeral Guy| R Brian Burkhardt| Funeral Director Illinois and Virginia

 Washington National Cathedral where the Jack Kemp Funeral was held

Washington National Cathedral where the Jack Kemp Funeral was held

Sources:Sean Hannity Blog Memorial Service for Jack F. Kemp Open to Family, Friends and Former Colleagues

National Cathedral Pic from flickr under the creative commons license from

~MVI~’s photostream

sources: Fox News broadcasts from May 8th 2009

1988 Runup photo to presidential campaign from flickr under creative commons license Ray Gronberg’s photostream